CMEgateway.org - Contact Participating Organizations

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Please contact the appropriate participating organization directly for discrepancies in your aggregate CME Gateway reports.

   American Association of Physicists in Medicine (SAMs/SA-CME)

Phone:     (571) 298-1228
Contact:   Jacqueline Ogburn Jackie@aapm.org
Website:   http://www.aapm.org/

   American Board of Nuclear Medicine

Phone:     (314) 367-2225
Contact:   abnm@abnm.org
Website:   http://www.abnm.org/

   American Board of Radiology

Phone:     (520) 790-2900
Contact:   info@theabr.org
Website:   http://www.theabr.org/

   American College of Radiology

Phone:     (703) 648-8900 (ext. 4040)
Contact:   info@acr.org
Website:   http://www.acr.org/

   American Medical Association

Phone:     (312) 464-4669
Contact:   pra@ama-assn.org
Website:   http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/about-ama/awards/ama-physicians-recognition-award.page

   American Roentgen Ray Society

Phone:     (866) 940-2777
Contact:   education@arrs.org
Website:   http://www.arrs.org/

   American Society of Head and Neck Radiology

Phone:     (813) 806-1000
Contact:   https://ashnr.edusymp.com/
Website:   http://ashnr.org/

   American Society of Neuroradiology

Phone:     (630) 574-0220
Contact:   membership@asnr.org
Website:   http://www.asnr.org

   Commission on Accreditation of Medical Physics Education Programs, Inc.

Phone:     (571) 298-1239
Contact:   Jacqueline Ogburn Jackie@campep.org
Website:   http://www.campep.org

   Eastern Neuroradiological Society

Phone:     (813) 806-1000
Contact:   https://enrs.edusymp.com/
Website:   http://www.enrs.org/

   EEDS - Electronic Education Documentation System

Phone:     (828) 252-0233
Contact:   support@eeds.com
Website:   http://www.eeds.com/


Phone:     215-239-3530
Contact:   elsevierCME@elsevier.com
Website:   https://www.elseviercme.com/contact-us/


Phone:     (260) 469-4751
Contact:   Ben.Rueger@fwradiology.com
Website:   https://fwradiology.com/

   Institute for Advanced Medical Education

Phone:     (802) 824-4433
Contact:   registrar@iame.com
Website:   https://www.iame.com

   Radiological Society of North America

Phone:     (800) 272-2920
Contact:   cmegateway@rsna.org
Website:   https://www.rsna.org

   Society of Interventional Radiology

Phone:     (703) 691-1805
Contact:   education@sirweb.org
Website:   http://www.sirweb.org

   Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

Phone:     (703) 708-9000
Contact:   Lisa Dickinson ldickinson@snmmi.org
Website:   http://www.snmmi.org

   University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Radiology

Phone:     (608) 263-8799
Contact:   Karen Knipschild kknipschild@uwhealth.org
Website:   http://www.radiology.wisc.edu/

   The Society for Pediatric Radiology (SPR)

The Society for Pediatric Radiology (SPR) is no longer a participating organization in the CME Gateway. Please contact SPR directly for credit inquiries.


Phone:     1-630-571-2199
Contact:   CME Gateway Specialist - CMEGateway@rsna.org
Website:   CMEgateway.org